Therefore, ye lookers on be sure of this,
She that dies well lives in eternal bliss.
A loving wife and mother dear,
Such a' one she was who now lies here.
South Transept.
Drake, Grace, widow of J. Drake, Sub-dean of Ripon, June 4th, 1692.
Parker, Thomas, of Skelton, 1657.
Parker, Ralph, Givendale, April 30th, 1673.
Parker, Grace, wife of R. Parker, May 24th, 1691. Vivit post funera virtus.
Persabell, thomas, of Skipton in Craven, 1707.
Palliser, Thomas, 1707.
Palliser, Jane, 1716.
Porter, Frances, wife of Richard Porter, Augt. 4th, 1671.
Raper, Henry, April 11th, 1704.
Raper, Julian, wife of H. Raper, May 3rd, 1713.
Redshaw, Thomas, Littlethorpe, April 28th, 1672.
Redshaw, Samuel, son of T. Redshaw, 7th Novr., 1677.
Redshaw, Henry, of Sunley Raines, November 7th, 1711.
Near the monument of Dean Fowler is a small mural tablet, from which the inscription has nearly perished. According to a copy taken about 70 years ago, and now preserved by Mr Walbran, thus much was then legible.
Dorcas Richardson, filia Henrici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evangelij dispensatoris, vitaeq. fidelis e nobili
Familia orti pulchram dilecto marito suo
Edvardo Richardson, S.S.T.P Ecclesiae Ripensis
Pastori, proles inixa, viz: Edvardum, Miriam,
Christianam, Dorcam, Elizabetham, Nathalienam,
dato testimonio translata erat, Anno Ætatis suæ
71, Aug. 31, 1651......................................
.......... Dorcas mulier speciosa superne estaterit
........ terq; quarterq; antecessit filia Elizabetha, Aug.
2, 1650.
If everlasting streams of love can dry,
If humble patience, prudence, piety,
Can ever fail, then may blest Dorcas dy.
Ridsdale, George, December 22nd, 1714.