THE following pages consist of a verbatim copy of all the Monuments and Gravestones in Ripon Cathedral and its Burial-ground on the South and East of that edifice. They were first copied without any intention of publishing them; but merely for the sake of preserving them from that oblivion to which these memorials of our forefathers are fast hastening. Finding, however, that there was a strong inclination on the part of those whose relatives "sleep their long last sleep," in and around the "Old Minstre" of Ripon, and the public generally, to possess a copy of its numerous sepulchral memorials, the copyist, after ascertaining that such an undertaking would at all events pay the expenses of the printing, at once decided to lay his labours before the public. This sufficiently explains the why and the wherefore of the publication.


Ripon, March 1st, 1847.